Update from February 2018 visit
Posted: March 4, 2018 | Uncategorized

It’s now day four, can’t believe it, soon it will be Friday!
Thursday’s flight from Heathrow was delayed so by the time we got to Brussels we were rushed through and by the time we got to the departure gate it was the final call. Food not brilliant on board and movies just ok. I will be re watching the 3 good ones on the way back.
Arrived at Entebbe at 10.20 and then the fun began. E-visa queue was four feet deep and we finally came through customs at 1 am! Unimpressive to say the least. Fell into bed at the hotel just after 2pm. Didn’t wake till 8 am…
Then it was into Kampala, changing money, buying gifts at the craft market and then to lunch at the Bible Society before arriving here at 4.30pm. we were welcomed ‘home’, it was lovely.
Saturday we had the teachers’ conference at Mityana Junior. It was so good – we had over 100 there, we talked about group (cluster) meetings, about what schools do well (and not so well) about developing the links or partnerships further and how we move on. It started at 11 am, most people had arrived by 11 pm and then we all left at about 4pm. I loved watching teachers having time to talk with others, to meet away from their own school and for us all to be together.
Today we were all out to our different churches. I went to Kyankowe, linked with Kingsclere. Janet had brought gifts from Kingsclere and money and they decided to put it into micro finance and supporting the church, MU and bible study groups. The service lasted about 3 hours and then we had lunch and then came back…
It’s very hot here with not much rain. They are all longing for the rainy season to begin in earnest and then the food will grow and everyone will feel so much better. School has just started and registering continues for about 3 weeks. We are all off to different schools tomorrow and hopefully all will go well. All good so far!
About the author
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